Training to improve health
Our Courses are designed to help improve your knowledge of key Public Health Topics as well as develop your communication and inter-personal skills. We encourage ongoing learning as part of your Continuous Professional Development with a range of different Courses.
Why choose us?
Our Courses are both face to face and online to make it flexible for you. The Courses vary in length and are spread throughout the year and provide detail on the latest Public Health knowledge and insights to support.

What we do
We provide high quality training which looks to give you the best possible learning experience. It is focused on Public Health knowledge across a wide range of topics important to Medway alongside sharpening your skills. We want you to enjoy learning, keep learning and come back again and again!
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What we offer
Each Course is recorded to show your Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
Resources to support ongoing knowledge and skills
There are certificates for specific Courses
The opportunity to meet colleagues in a variety of professional roles