Booking procedure

Our System is designed to help you booking in easily after setting up an account. Having an account is really useful for you to track and evidence your Training and CPD Record. Once setup you can see future courses easily, plan ahead and decide what courses interest you!

Signing up

To be able to register for courses and track your progress, you first need to set up an account. Go to our sign up page and fill out your details. You will then receive an email that will include a link for you to set your password. Once your account has been set up, you can browse through all our courses where you can then choose whichever courses you would like to register for.

Managing Courses

You will get a confirmation email for your booking and you will be able to see and manage the courses that you have booked onto from your bookings page. From this email you will have an attachment that will allow you to add the dates to your personal calendar.

When you view the course in your bookings section, you will be able to see any of the pre-course material that you require, including any questionnaires, evaluations or resources.

After Booking

You will receive an email closer to the time of the course reminding you. After attending a course, the trainer/organiser will mark your attendance within the system. You can track this from within your bookings section, there may be a post-course evaluation which you will now be able to fill out.