General Health and Wellbeing

Domestic Abuse

Book your training course

Domestic Abuse

Please be aware that this course is only available to those that live or work in Medway.

Meeting Room, Lordswood Healthy Living Centre, Sultan Rd, Chatham, ME5 8TJ
15th April 2025 09:30 - 12:00
1 Day
Available 6 places remaining

The Domestic Abuse (DA) Champions course is a Train the Trainer programme that provides delegates with an awareness of DA and knowledge of Medway’s DA support services, which can then be taken into their place or work or local community.

Delegates will be empowered with new skills to share with their colleagues, friends or family members and raise their awareness of DA, to enable them to signpost to relevant specialist DA support services or even self-refer.

Target Audience

Anyone who wants to increase their knowledge of DA and become a point of contact for DA concerns in their agency/place of work.

What is covered?

  • The role of a DA Champion (opportunities to deliver training and be a point of contact)
  • Definition of DA
  • Categories of DA
  • Recognising signs and symptoms of DA
  • Gender, cultural, mental health, disabilities and substance misuse considerations and trends
  • Signposting and Supporting Services
  • One Stop Shop (OSS)
  • Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)
  • Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs)
  • Further training opportunities
  • Guidance and awareness on DA procedures and signposting opportunities
  • Coercive and controlling behavior
  • Stalking and harassment
  • Barriers to leaving an abusive relationship
  • Barriers to disclosing
  • Safe enquiry and safety planning
  • The voice of the child
  • Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme
  • Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Website

There is no charge for this Training, except if there is failure to attend without giving notice, when a charge of £50 may be incurred. 

If for any reason you are unable to attend or no longer require the Training, please cancel your place on the course through our Training Portal or email

as it allows another person to attend.

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