Mental Health

Developing Resilience Train the Trainer

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This training course is for people who work with CYP in Medway 

The purpose of this training is to be able to train others to be able to deliver developing resilience sessions with their CYP in an effective way.


Please be advised that bookings for courses should be cancelled via the health portal at least one week before the training date. If you are unable to do this via this portal due to bookings for the course being closed - please email to cancel your place. If this does not happen or there is non-attendance on the day/s of the course then delegates will be charged £50 (individual circumstances will be considered)

This course will be made up of 6 sessions:

Session 1: What is mental health & resilience?

• The difference between mental health and mental illness

• Defining the key features of resilience & how we begin to develop this

• Identifying sources of support when things become overwhelming

Session 2: Problem solving

• How we identify & quantify problems

• Practising problem solving skills

• Who can help

Session 3: Talking to others

• The benefits of recognising emotions & how talking about them helps

• Increasing emotional literacy

• Identifying the people we can trust to help us

Session 4: Coping strategies

• Recognising the things we can and can’t control

• Sharing ideas on ways to distract, release stress, comfort or encourage.

• Showing kindness to ourselves

Session 5: Enough sleep

• Understanding the sleep/ wake cycle

• Recognising the impacts of not getting enough sleep

• Identifying the ways to improve sleep hygiene

Session 6: Healthy lifestyles

• Identifying physical activity requirements & making plans to be more active

• Understanding the importance of carbohydrates and energy balance

• Eating for food and mood

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Mental Health


  • 13 places remaining
  • TBC (Room TBC)
  • 10th June 2025 09:30 - 16:30,
    11th June 2025 09:30 - 16:30
  • 0 Days