Mental Health

Connect 5 Mental Health Training for Workplaces: Level 1

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Connect 5 is a Mental Health promotion training programme giving skills and confidence in having effective conversations about Mental Health

Connect 5 is an incremental three-session/day programme. The programme underpins the principle of ‘Making Every Contact Count’ and supports the aim of making the best use of the skills and local contacts of frontline staff. Some staff will just undertake Level 1 whilst others go on to do all three levels, depending on their job role.

Level 1 is a 3 and a half-hour course. The session is brief advice designed to help participants better understand mental health, mental wellbeing and mental illness. Participants will also learn about local services and resources that enable people to help themselves. Participants will become confident to offer wellbeing advice within their everyday work role.

The purpose of Level 1 is to:

• Develop the skills and confidence to discuss mental health and wellbeing issues within daily practice

• Explain mental health and wellbeing by using specific public health models and self-help principles

• Recognise the qualities and attitudes needed to work with mental health and wellbeing

• Identify local mental health and wellbeing resources and services that support the community

This training is free to attend for people who live or work in Medway. Please do not book on to this training if you are based outside of this area.  Spaces on this course are primarily for businesses working with the Medway Healthy Workplace Programme.  If your workplace is not enrolled in the programme, your request to attend may be refused.  If you are not sure if your workplace is part of this programme please contact

Please be advised that you can attend each Connect 5 session once only. Once you have completed each session, it does not need to be repeated.

This space is for the named attendee only. Please do not swap your place with another colleague or send the link to anyone. If you no longer need your space, then please let us know so we can invite the replacement delegate, otherwise they will not be granted access.

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