Physical Health

Menopause Awareness (Bitesize)

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Are you currently going through the menopause transition or think you might be?

Positive lifestyle changes such as becoming more physically active, reducing stress and improving nutrition has been shown to have a positive affect and reduce the severity of symptoms associated with the menopause transition and improve Heart health, Bone health and Brain health.

What is covered?

  • Overview of the menopause
  • Overview of the most problematic reported symptoms: Hot flush, Insomnia, Brain fog, Weight gain, Mood
  • Practical advice and top tips on what can help ease menopause symptoms and support long-term health
  • The importance of physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviour in the menopause
  • Practical tips on how to have a conversation around Menopause with your Line manager/employer
  • Practical tips on how to have a conversation with your Health care professional



Target Audience

Everyone in Medway that wants to learn key strategies to help them navigate the Menopause transition and improve their own health and wellbeing.

If for any reason you are unable to attend or no longer require the training, please cancel your place on the course through the Training Portal as this allows another person to take up the place.

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