General Health and Wellbeing

Making Every Contact Count (Tier 3 - with CBT)

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Making Every Contact Count (Tier 3 - with CBT)

Please be aware that this course is only available to those that live or work in Medway.

26th March 2025 09:30 - 17:00,
27th March 2025 09:30 - 17:00
2 Days
Available 5 places remaining

We all meet and interact with people every day at work, at home and in our communities. Making Every Contact Count (MECC) uses these interactions to support people in making positive changes to their:

  • Physical Health
  • Mental Health
  • General Wellbeing

Tier3:  Making Every Contact Count using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Techniques (CBT)


What is covered?

  • Understanding models of health behaviour change & CBT within the context of the Making Every Contact Count framework
  • Applying core CBT techniques for use in MECC conversations
  • Building your confidence to apply CBT techniques with your clients
  • Working with clients with a range of health issues and challenges


What is CBT and how can we use it to support our MECC conversations?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a problem solving model, which helps us to understand the important links between thoughts, beliefs, behaviours and emotions. In particular, the model is useful to identify unhelpful thinking styles that drive unhealthy decisions and behaviours. Using this model and its techniques in MECC conversations we can support individuals who need more support or discussion to get out of being stuck or cycling around services.  This toolkit supports you to help your service user to adapt their thinking and achieve more healthy goals.  You will spend time during the training working in small groups and also practising elements of the toolkit using real life scenarios.

You will get access to documents and resources that will support you to consolidate this learning and to develop your knowledge and skills further.

This course does not qualify you to become a fully qualified CBT practitioner..


Who is this training for?

  • This is L3 MECC training, which is for professionals who have frequent contact with service users over a number of weeks, in a confidential setting, and where opportunities to have health and lifestyle related conversations are likely to occur or may be relevant to the needs of the client
  • Professionals who manage case work may particularly benefit as the training provides tools for carrying out interventions related to behaviour change. This can be applied in a range of settings, enhancing work with both individuals and families. (eg Midwives, Social Workers, Health Visitors, Early Help Case Workers, Domestic Violence Workers, Housing Officers ie those helping people who are at risk of losing their accommodation)
  • It is most suitable for those working with complex clients, for example those who have one or more health or social care problems that bring them into contact with services


Please note that the training is not suitable for those people who only provide very brief appointments, or one off appointments, or only see their service users on an ad hoc basis.  If you have any concerns, please do contact us to discuss your requirements or suitability for the course.


This training is being delivered by external trainers from SCPS Healthy Psychology Consulting.  For more information about the trainer, please visit 


There is no charge for this Training, except if there is failure to attend without giving notice, when a charge of £50 may be incurred. 

If for any reason you are unable to attend or no longer require the Training, please cancel your place on the course through our Training Portal or email as this allows us to offer the place to someone else and avoid courses running under full capacity.

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  • 14th February 2025 09:30 - 16:30
  • 3 Days