General Health and Wellbeing
MECC and the Cost of Living Crisis (Bitesize)
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This course will help delegates to use some simple MECC techniques when having conversations about Cost of Living and Financial Wellbeing, as well as providing information on some of the support available both locally and nationally.
This course looks at how the Cost of Living Crisis may be affecting people within our communities and what impact it is likely to have on their health & wellbeing.
It is a bite-sized course which will briefly touch on the following topics:
- What do we mean by the Cost of Living Crisis?
- Why you are so important
- How you can Make Every Contact Count
- Using MECC conversation skills to have conversations about financial wellbeing
- The three A’s technique (Ask, Assess, Act)
- SMARTER planning
- Resources & Signposting
This is a course designed to support people to give brief and impartial money guidance in a non-regulated space, or signpost to other services. It DOES NOT enable delegates to provide financial advice.
There is no charge for this Training, except if there is failure to attend without giving notice, when a charge of £50 may be incurred.
If for any reason you are unable to attend or no longer require the Training, please cancel your place on the course through our Training Portal or email
as it allows another person to attend.
Let’s get started by selecting which option is best for you.